José Daniel is 9 years old and entering the 5th grade at the Centro de Educación Creativa. He enjoys riding his bicycle and can often be seen tearing down the steep, bumpy roads of Monteverde. This was Jose Daniel's first performance in a musical.
Andrey ~ Bill Sikes
Andrey is 17 years old and attends the Colegio Santa Elena. He enjoys singing and dancing. His dream job is radio or T.V. presenter or chef. Andrey has also performed in La Muerte y Cruzificación de Jesús, Las Bodas del Cordero, and other church plays. He is also currently in a film called "Vuelo Sin Regreso."
María Nellis ~ Orphan
Maria Nellis is 7 years old and is in the first grade at the Los Llanos school. She likes to read, play, and draw pictures. This is her first time performing on stage.
Fiona ~ Nancy
Fiona is 16 years old and entering her final year of high school at the Centro de Educación Creativa. She was also seen in FCCMT's production of Urinetown. Fully bilingual in Spanish & English, Fiona teaches English classes to children and is learning French. Her dream jobs are child psychologist or singer.
Luis Darío ~ Fagin
An FCCMT veteran and crucial volunteer for the organization, Luis Darío is 16 years old and in his final year at the Centro de Educacíon Creativa. Darío has been seen in Monteverde in Urinetown (Bobby Strong), The Music Man (Marcellus Washborn), Guys and Dolls (Sky Masterson), Monteverde Melodies (Taxi Driver) and The Lorax (Lorax). While studying abroad in Oregon, Wisconsin, Dario performed in Chicago (Amos Hart), for which he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor in the Tommy Awards and received an honorable mention, and in The Crucible (Rev. Samuel Parris). Dario likes to sing, dance, act, and play the piano. He hopes to become an orchestral conductor.
Jaden ~ The Artful Dodger
Jaden is 13 and in the 8th grade at the Monteverde Friends School. Jaden likes to play video games, write, draw on the computer, and act. Jaden has performed in Grease, Love Rides The Rails and Don Quijote. His dream jobs are author, cartoonist, or video game designer.